Friday 30 September 2011

Snake Education Program on 27th Sept. 2011

Snake Education program was conducted for students of Government Primary school at Purshottam nagar near Bakrol village. This program was accomplished by VNC in coordination with  C C Patel Community Science Center, Sardar Patel University.  
 Mehul Patel provided all information in Gujarati language, around 300 students of nearby area got knowledge   form him, he also answered queries of interested students.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Save Trees Save Life

Raid on Poacher

7 Rose Ringed Parakeet  in 
16th September 2011, Saturday.
Evening around 19:00.

Upon getting information from a reliable source about a poaching activity in local area, VNC's Managing Trustee Dhaval Patel, who is also Honorary Wildlife Warden of the Anand District swung in to action. after informing local forest department.

On Reaching site along with active volunteer  Mehul Patel they found there were seven rose ringed parakeets packed in small cage, in quarters provided to employees of Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar.

Cage was taken in custody in presence of Forest Department officer, and case was registered against the person.

Parakeets were released on   18th sept. monday afternoon after confirmation with DCF Anand.

Friday 23 September 2011

Education Sessions on 22nd Sept. 2011

  • VNC carried out an Education program for Officers from states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Mharashtra, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and Union territory of Dradra nagar Haveli, Diu and Daman. Subject was "Snakes in Agricultural Landscape", These program was organised by Extension Education Department of Anand Agriculture University.
  • Snake Education and awareness program was conducted at Waghashi High School for 120 Boys and 76 Girls of standard 8th to 10th, in afternoon session.
  • Rescue of Snakes

Wednesday 21 September 2011

ચિલોતરો ચાલીસ વર્ષ બાદ આણંદનો મહેમાન બન્યો!

Grey Hornbill in Anand
જંગલમાં જોવા મળતું રાખોડી પક્ષી ગ્રે હોર્નબિલ આણંદમાં ચાર દાયકા પછી અમૂલ ડેરી રોડ પર દેખાયું

આણંદમાં અમૂલ ડેરી રોડ પર આવેલા એક મકાનના એન્ટેના પર વહેલી સવારે છ વાગ્યે ભાગ્યે જ જોવા મળતું એક પક્ષી દેખાતાં લોકોમાં કુતૂહલ સર્જાયું હતું. આ પક્ષી ગ્રે હોર્નબિલ એટલે રાખોડી ચિલોતરો હોવાનું વિદ્યાનગર નેચર ક્લબના ધવલભાઈ પટેલે જણાવ્યું હતું.

અમૂલ ડેરી રોડ પર અલગ પ્રકારનું પક્ષી દેખાતાં વિદ્યાનગર નેચર ક્લબના બિમલ પટેલે કેમેરામાં કેદ કરી લીધું હતું. પક્ષી વિશે નેચર ક્લબના ધવલભાઇ પટેલે જણાવ્યું હતું કે ‘રાખોડી ચિલોતરો ગુજરાતમાં ડાંગ અને જંગલ વિસ્તારમાં જોવા મળે છે. જેની વિશેષતા એવી છે કે ઝાડની બખોલમાં તેઓ માળો બાંધે છે. 

પછી માદા માળામાં બેસી જાય એટલે નર માટીથી બખોલ પુરી દે છે. માત્ર આહાર આપી શકાય એટલી જગ્યા રાખવામાં આવે છે. માળામાં માદા પક્ષી ઇંડા સેવે ત્યાં સુધી નર પક્ષી તેને આહાર આપ્યા કરે છે. માળામાં બેઠેલી માદા પક્ષી પોતાના બધા પીછા ખેચને બહાર ફેકી દે છે. જેથી અંદર જગ્યા થતાં બચ્ચાનો ગ્રોથ થઈ શકે.’

આણંદમાં આ પક્ષી દેખવા પાછળનું કારણ જણાવતાં ધવલભાઈ પટેલે જણાવ્યું હતું કે ‘આણંદ જિલ્લાના ધર્મજમાં ચરો છે. જ્યાં આ પક્ષીએ માળો બનાવ્યો હોય તેમ લાગી રહ્યું છે. કારણ કે પક્ષી એકાદ વર્ષનું જ છે. આણંદ જિલ્લામાં છેલ્લાં ૪૦ વર્ષમાં આ પક્ષી પ્રથમવાર જોવા મળ્યું છે.’

Source: Bhaskar News, Anand   |   Last Updated 3:18 AM [IST](20/09/2011)

Monday 19 September 2011

On 16th September 2011, World Ozone Day,
VNC's Managing Trustee Dhaval S Patel was invited as Guest of Honour at Inaugural function of 51st year of SPUBS ( Sardar Patel University Biological Society), Hon. former Vice Chancellor of SPU Dr. B G Patel was present as Chief Guest of the function.
an animated documentary film on Ozone "Ozzy Ozone" was screened by VNC's help.

Monday 12 September 2011

Training program, Snake rescue and rehabilitation.

It is a fact that today many environment lovers has to deal with rescue & rehabilitation of animals. Avoiding conflict between wildlife and human is also major concern, Reptiles are almost found in human habitats of cities and villages alike. There are many enthusiasts who requested us to conduct this type of training program which will not only help them in correctly identifying snakes, but will enhance their skills of snake handling both venomous and non venomous, it will also provide them with much needed information on post rescue management and release of the snakes, so to avoid any mishaps.
VNC is glad to announce Training program, Snake rescue and rehabilitation.
if you are interested in joining this program, send email along with your basic bio data, requesting application to with 'Snakes' in subject line.

Venue: farm house / remote area / hall, class rooms in and Anand - Vidyanagar, 

Date: Saturday 1st October 2011 & Sunday 2nd October 2011.

Timing: Sharp 09:00 in morning, Report at VNC office V V Nagar. End: around 17:00 or depending upon situation.

Fees: Rs.200/- Payable in cash before 25th Sept., (by Those who gets confirmation of their selection for training via email or SMS) .

Registration: Duly filled Application Form (attached herewith) shall reach us either by e-mail or in printed paper before 15th September. 
  • Those who are not local resident of Anand - Vidyanagar, will have to arrange their own lodging & boarding, and are required to reach VNC office at mentioned timing.
  • We have strict selection criteria and we will inform only those who are selected before 20th September, we are not bound to provide any explanation for not selecting any person. 
  • fees are to cover expense for reference material, books, reading material, etc.
  • Maximum 15 trainees would be selected, we will not entertain any last minute entries, or changes.
  • Working knowledge of Hindi and English language is required.
  • Training program would be conducted by Soham Mukherjee from The Gerry Martin Project and  Rowland Griffin - a herpetologist from England.